Tuesday 27 August 2013

Music Post Part 2: Electric Boogaloo!

Hey guys! So it's been a while since I had a new post, life's just been a constant stream of chaos these days, and I'm just trying to keep a handle on stuff. Unfortunately, I don't take my camera often these days when I go out so I don't have any new stuff to update you with :( But I HAVE discovered something awesome: YOUTUBE COVER ARTISTS. Now you might be saying, "but Kevin, they've been around forever!" to which I would reply "yeah but I'm lazy and I discover things late." LOL but yeah, I was recently introduced to a couple of covers by a good friend of mine and I just instantly fell in love. I mean, I heard heard bits and pieces or just heard of them by name, but once I actually started listening to them, I realized how amazing they really are.

So, today, I'm gonna introduce a few famous ones that are already extremely popular on YouTube (kinda defeats the purpose of introducing them since 99% of the world has heard of them, but bear with me!)

Alex Goot 
This man is a god, he plays so many different instruments, and has a voice like he's trying to seduce me with every song. The most interesting thing about his music is that he takes pop songs and tries to put a different spin on them, almost like re-inventing them, it's pretty amazing when you hear it.
It really doesn't matter if you're a fan of the original artist, give Goot's covers a listen!

Beauty and a Beat (feat. Kurt Schneider and Chrissy Costanza)


Payphone (feat. Eppic)

Sam Tsui
To be honest, I've only ever heard one Sam Tsui song before I started getting into cover artists and that was his cover of Just a Dream alongside Christina Grimmie and was flat-out AMAZING. Their voices match together so well, it's actually pretty awesome! Plus, it was pretty much a whole new take on Nelly's song, minus the R&B part.

Just A Dream (feat. Christina Gimmie)

Just Give Me A Reason (feat. Kylee and Kurt Schneider


Tyler Ward
First of all, jesus christ you need to check out this cover of Titanium featuring the Piano Guys, it will blow your MIND.

Titanium (feat. the Piano Guys)

Holy crap, listen to that, that's awesome right there. Although the auto-tune in the song is a bit obvious at times, he manages to pull it off well and still remain true to his voice. Many thumbs up to this (Y).

Suit and Tie Acoustic

Fix You (feat. Boyce Avenue)

May I just add that Fix You is one of my favourite songs of all time, and I highly recommend you check out the original by Coldplay, it's a fantastic song.

Welp, there goes another post, hope you guys check out these awesome cover artists, I'm totally hooked on them at the moment. Hopefully I'll free up some time with another photopost sometime soon, stay tuned for more interesting stuff ! :)

Sunday 11 August 2013

Taste of Danforth!

Hi everybody! Sorry for the long absence, things have been REALLY hectic these days. Unfortunately, I have been debating with myself whether or not to continue updating this blog, but I realized that I really do enjoy photographing things and placing them here so I will continue posting as best as I can. However, I DID realize that I don't have nearly enough clothes to keep making OOTDs or even be fashionable (let's be real), so I'll be focusing more on stuff I do and places I visit. There are A LOT of places that I have never been to in Toronto or elsewhere and I hope to be able to visit those places in the near future before I get completely bogged down by work and my full course load for university.

I went down to Taste of Danforth with my friend Mixalis and the first thing we thought was "Whoa this is a HUGE festival!" I've never really been to a street festival like this before and it was a bit awesome and eye-opening! I really hope to be going to more of these when they come up during the year. It was also great to run into some friends there and reconnect with them, as most of them have been really busy or out of town. We explored the festival but left shortly after, because it closes around midnight. I would've really liked to go again either today or tomorrow but my busy schedule won't permit such nonsense :(

Anyways, here's a few pictures of the festival and hopefully I'll have lots more adventures to share with you later on. Until then, ciao! :)

Only part of the street that wasn't COMPLETELY packed!

People even set up stands to sell clothing

I don't even know why people lined up for Mike's Hard, but they did LOL

Greek pita wraps, oh my goodness

They looked absolutely mouthwatering

You can't see it, but the line for the stand was a mile long

The nightlife here was totally amazing

Strangely studio-esque lighting at this stand

This man looks like he knows what he's doing

Last picture of the night and I managed to capture a sliver of the moon :)

Friday 2 August 2013


Sorry guys, this is gonna be a short post, but unfortunately, I might not be able to post anything new for a while now. Some stuff is going on and pressure's really starting to mount. Work is just killer these days and on top of that, it's assignments and studying and an exam next week. I'll try to do some adventuring this weekend and maybe put up some new pictures, but until then, I probably won't be able to do much for a while. Don't worry, this blog isn't dying though, I'm sure I'll have the opportunity to get a whole bunch more stuff up (esp new outfits!) later on, so stay tuned!